Shadowverse deck using bottled flame
Shadowverse deck using bottled flame

shadowverse deck using bottled flame

Some private matches (Best of 3, Best of 5, and matches where you create your opponent's deck) cannot be spectated. Spectator mode cannot be used for Take Two matches or if the host has disabled the function. This can be done by selecting Watch a Private Match and entering the match ID. You can also watch other players' private match in the spectator mode if your friend or a guild member is the host of the match. Neither of your scores will be affected by the results of a private match.

shadowverse deck using bottled flame

You and the other player will then be able to battle each other. If you received a match ID from a friend or a guild member, tap Join a Private Match and enter the ID. Share that match ID with the person you want to play with, and then ask them to tap Join a Private Match. When you tap Create a Private Match followed by either Regular or Take Two, a match ID will be displayed. These matches include regular matches, for which you select your deck, and Take Two matches, for which special Take Two rules are used. Private Matches In private matches, you can play against a specific player. They will receive the following points for a streak of wins: 2 - 5 wins: 30 points, 6 - 10 wins: 60 points, and 11 or more wins: 100 points. Players at the Master rank can earn up to 5000 points in win streak bonuses. The following win streak bonuses can be gained on the higher format: 2 - 5 wins: 30 points, 6 - 10 wins: 60 points, and 11 or more wins: 100 points. If your rank in Rotation and Unlimited differ from one another, win streak bonuses can be gained on the lower rank up to AA3: 2 - 5 wins: 50 points, 6 - 10 wins: 100 points, and 11 or more wins: 150 points. Players ranked A0 to AA3 get the following points for a streak of wins: 2 - 5 wins: 30 points, 6 - 10 wins: 60 points, and 11 or more wins: 100 points. Players ranked B3 and below get the following points for a streak of wins: 2 - 5 wins: 50 points, 6 - 10 wins: 100 points, and 11 or more wins: 150 points. Winning matches raises your score losing matches lowers your score. Ranked Matches In ranked matches, you battle other randomly selected players.

Shadowverse deck using bottled flame